Calling for Applications for Faculty Award for the Academic year 2020/21
Calling for Applications for Faculty Award for the Academic year 2020/21 The above award will be presented to the overall best-performing student (in both academic and extracurricular activities) of each batch in the Faculty at the end of each academic year. The best outstanding student from each batch shall be selected based on the guidelines issued by the UGC. Eligibility Requirements The applicant should be an undergraduate student registered to follow the Agriculture degree programme offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna. The applicant shall have completed all the academic requirements of the considered year, including all the compulsory courses. The following batches of students who have successfully completed their First or Second Examination for Agriculture Degrees with equal to or above 3.3 GPA can apply for the award: Academic year 2020/21 33rd batch (2020/2021) 32nd batch (2019/2020) closing date..