No | Member Name | Representative |
01 | Prof. K. Pakeerathan | Chairman & Dean/Agriculture |
02 | Prof. G. Mikunthan | Head/ Department of Agricultural Biology Professor in Agricultural Biology |
03 | Prof. (Mrs.) T. Mikunthan | Professor in Agricultural Engineering |
04 | Prof.(Mrs.) N.Gnanavelrajah | Professor in Agricultural Chemistry |
01 | Prof.S. Vasantharuba | Professor in Agricultural Chemistry |
05 | Prof.G.Thirukkumaran | Professor in Agricultural Biology |
06 | Prof.(Ms.) J.Sinniah | Professor in Animal Science |
07 | Prof.(Mrs.) S.Sivachandiran | Professor in Agronomy |
12 | Dr. N. Kannan | Head, Dept of Agricultural Engineering Professor in Agricultural Engineering |
09 | (Mrs). K. Nishanthan | Head, Dept of Agronomy Senior Lecturer |
09 | Dr. S. Thadsaneshkanth | Head, Dept of Animal Science Senior Lecturer |
14 | Dr. (Mrs) S. Sivakanthan | Head, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry Senior Lecturer |
14 | Dr. S. Sarujan | Head, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry Senior Lecturer |
08 | Dr.K.Sooriyakumar | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Agricultural Economics |
09 | Dr. (Mrs).L.Pradheeban | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Agronomy |
10 | Dr. S.J .Arasakesary | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Agricultural Biology |
13 | Mr. M. Prabhaharan | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Agric Engineering |
15 | Dr.(Mrs).S.Pratheepan | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Animal Schience |
18 | Mrs. K. Abhirami | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry |
19 | Mr.K.Venugoban | Instructor in Computer Technology , Computer Unit, FoA |
21 | Mr.Y. Kesavan | Assistant Librarian (On invitation) |
22 | Mr.S. Sritharan | Farm Manager (On invitation) |
23 | Dr. S.Kajarajan | External Member |
24 | Mr. S. Satheeswaran | External Member |
25 | Mr. A.Philips Vijayaratnam | In Attendance, Secretary/ Senior Assistant Registrar |
26 | Miss.L. M. Salomitha | Student Representative |
27 | Mr.H.M.Chamara Pushpakumara | Student Representative |
Study Leave
29 | Dr. R. Eeswaran | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Agronomy |
32 | Mr.K.Jeyavanan | Senior Lecturer, Dept of Agronomy |
34 | Mr. S. Anad Kumar | Lecturer (Prob.), Dept of Animal Science |
20 | Mr.A.Uthayakumar | Instructor in Computer Technology, Computer Unit, FoA |