The “Empowering Kilinochchi Agriculture” project is a holistic endeavor initiated by The Outreach Committee of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, and the Rotary Club of Kilinochchi District. The project’s primary aim is to elevate the productivity and income of farmers in the Kilinochchi district of Sri Lanka, thereby enhancing the development of the region’s agricultural sector.
To ensure the sustainability and inclusivity of this initiative, a workshop titled “Problem Tree Analysis to Uplift Grain Production, Marketing and Value Addition in Kilinochchi District” was jointly organized by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, and the Rotary Club of Kilinochchi on October 17, 2023, at Auditorium, Faulty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna. This workshop included participation from key stakeholders involved in the district’s agriculture sector, such as officials from Department of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production and Health, Irrigation Department, Professionals from Non-Governmental Organizations, Officials from Specific Agriculture Projects such as Agriculture Systems Modernization Project (ASMP), Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP), Members from farmers organization and Academic Professionals from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna.
The workshop was divided into two main parts:
Part I: Presentations by Subject Specialists:
During this segment, experts from various government departments and academic professionals provided insights on the following key areas:
Part II: Panel Discussion on Problem Analysis and Way Forward:
A comprehensive analysis of the challenges and potential solutions was conducted during
this panel discussion.
Prioritized Objectives:
These recommendations and outcomes cover various aspects, from seed and breeding centers to Agri-tourism initiatives. However, they were prioritized to suit the specific scope outlined in the original framework of the workshop. The initial focus will be Enhancing Grain Production, Marketing, and Value Addition.
09.00-09.15 am | Registration |
09.15-09.25 am | Introductory remarks Prof. K. Pakeerathan, Chairperson/ Outreach Committee/ Faculty of Agriculture |
09.25-09.35 am | Opening Remarks Prof. S.Vasantharuba, Dean/ Faculty of Agriculture |
09.35-09.45 am | Scope and Aim of Startup Kilinochchi Project: Secretary |
Session I | Warm-up Presentations |
09.45-10.00 am | Status of Agriculture in Kilinochchi: an Overview Dr. S.J. Arasakesary, Outreach member of the faculty of Agriculture |
10.00-10.15 am | Current Yield Phase of Rice in Kilinochchi: Status, Challenges and Future Scope Mr.S.Sivaneson/ DDR/Paranthan & Adl DR/RARDC/Killinochhci |
10.15-10.30 am | Status, Challenges and Opportunities in Production and Supply of High-quality Seed and Planting Materials Mr T. Yogeshwaran/DD Agriculture/ Vavuniya |
10.30-10.45 am | Success and Challenges of Agricultural Modernization V.Vijithan/ Project Director/AMP/North |
10.45-11.00 am | Morning Tea |
11.00-11.15 am | How Animal Husbandry Can Support Agriculture and Food Security Challenges, and Future Prospects Dr. S. Vaseeharan/Provincial Director of Animal Production and Health |
11.15-11.30 am | Capacity of Extension Services: Strength and Weaknesses Mrs. S. Jegatheeswary/DPD of Agriculture |
11.30-11.45 am | Current Scenario, Success and Challenges, Future Hopes related to CSIAP Mr.Babu/ DPD/CSIAP/NP |
11.45-12.00 noon | Research and Training Capacity of Faculty of Agriculture Dr. R. Eeswaran/Coordinator/IQAC/Faculty of Agriculture/UOJ |
12.00-12.15 pm | Irrigation Facilities to Agriculture in Kilinochchi, Challenges and Future Problems Eng.N.Suthakaran/ PD, Irrigation, NP |
12.15-12.30 pm | Common Discussion on Value-added Production, Marketing avenues and Possible Opportunities: Scenario and Action Needed |
12.30-13.30pm | Lunch |
Session II | Discussion towards next step |
13.30-14.30 pm | Pannel discussion for Drafting Action Plan Senior Academics of Faculty of Agriculture Vs Presenters |
14.30-15.45 pm | Group Presentation and Finalizing Action Plan |
15.45-16.00 pm | Closing Remarks and Evening Tea |
Concentrating attention on these particular objectives, an action plan has been meticulously formulated. This plan has been intricately shaped with the valuable insights contributed by the workshop attendees, both during the live workshop event and in the subsequent days, facilitated through email correspondence and various remote communication modalities.