Field day organized by Faculty of Agriculture at Integrated Farm & Training Centre, Parasankulam, Puliyankulam on 05th of February 2024. around 90-100 participants including, Chief guest Prof. S.Srisatkunarajah (Vice Chancellor, University of Jaffna);, Prof.S.Vasantharuba (Dean, Faculty of Agriculture);, Prof.Mrs. S.Sivachandran (Dean, Faculty of Technology);, Heads and staff from faculty of Agriculture, Deputy Registrar, General Administration, Kilinochchi Premises;, University of Jaffna;, Deputy Director of Agriculture (seeds and Planting materials)-Vavuniya;, Additional Director of Agriculture (Regional Research Centre – Kilinochchi);, Development Officer, Agrarian Service Centre, Kanagarayankulam;, Members from farmers Organizations, Farmers, Staff and Students from Faculty of Agriculture; and farm staff participated in this event.
Objectives of this field day:
- Dissemination of knowledge regarding self -seed production and the effective utilization of inorganic fertilizers using split application method.
- facilitates the interaction between faculty of Agriculture and Department of Agriculture as well as Department of Agrarian Services in future.
The field day started with welcome address delivered by the Prof.K.Pakeerathan, Chairperson, Outreach Committee, Faculty of Agriculture. Then the Paddy Harvest commenced by the Chief Guest Prof.S.Satkunarajah, Vice Chancellor ,University of Jaffna in the auspicious time by traditional harvesting method, followed by paddy harvested by combine harvester. Technical discussion was conducted at field level. Farmers, students, Department of Agriculture Staff and faculty staff actively participated in this discussion. Thereafter, Dean Faculty of Agriculture Prof.S.Vasantharuba delivered his special speech. Then Our Chief guest Prof. S.Srisatkunarajah delivered his guest Speech and finally Vote of thanks delivered by the Farm Manager Mr.S.Sritharan. Field day successfully ended with the field day lunch around 12.30 pm.