Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) is a World Bank funded Sri Lankan government operation to support the higher education sector. The implementing agency of AHEAD is the Ministry of Education and Higher EDUCATION (MOEHE). Operations Monitoring and Support Team (OMST) coordinates and support all AHEAD activities between the MOEHE, UGC, and the universities.
There are three Results Areas the AHEAD Operation focuses:
- increasing enrollment in higher education with special emphasis on study programs required for an aspiring upper-middle-income economy
- broadening and deepening modern teaching and learning approaches that combine academic excellence with high-quality socio-emotional skills
- promoting a vibrant research and innovation culture that can support economic development, especially the growth of higher-value industries and services
One activity under Result Area 2, Improving the Quality of Higher Education, is Enriching Learning, Teaching and Assessment (ELTA) and English Language Skills Enhancement (ELSE) Development Projects (DPs).
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna has submitted a proposal and won this grant.
Project Team
- Project coordinator
Dr. K. Pakeerathan, Head/Senior Lecturer Grade II, Department of Agricultural Biology, Faculty of Agriculture