Prof. S. Vasantharuba
PhD (Tami Nadu Agricultural University, India), MPhil(UOP, Sri Lanka), B.Sc in Agriculture (Hons) (UOJ, Sri Lanka)
Dean/ Professor in Agricultural Chemistry
- +94 (0) 21 206 0175
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- Website
- Ph.D in Food Science and Nutrition (Tami Nadu Agricultural University, India) -2013
- MPhil. in Food Science and Technology (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)- 2005
- BSc. in Agriculture –Agricultural Chemistry (Food Science) – (University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka) -1995
Academic Positions held
- Senior Lecturer Grade 1 – 2013 – to date
- Senior Lecturer Grade II – 2005 – 2013
- Lecturer -1998 – 2005
- Assistant Lecturer – 1995 – 1997
Research interests
- Natural antioxidants
- Beneficial microorganisms
- Lactic acid bacteria
- Development of value added food products from natural sources
- Food and Nutrition
- Food security
- Food packaging
Faculty level
- Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna from June 2021 to date
- Head, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Jaffna from 2007 to 2009 and 2016 to 2021.
- Deputy proctor for Faculty of Agriculture from November 2019.
- Activity coordinator ELTA-ELSE- Faculty development project under AHEAD operation, Faculty of Agriculture June 2019 to June 2020
- Academic career guidance advisor for the Faculty of Agriculture from September 2017 to May 2020
- Convener of the Inaugural International Conference of Dry zone Agriculture (ICDA 2015)
- Finance chair of the fourth International Conference of Dry zone Agriculture (ICDA 2018)
- Editorial committee member of the International Conference of Dry zone Agriculture (ICDA) 2015 and 2017
- President of the Faculty of Agriculture Welfare society from 2014 to 2018.
- Student Counselor of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Jaffna from January 2000 to September 2000, August 2007 to August 2008 and from March 2013 to March 2014.
- Senior treasurer for the Student Union of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna for the period of 2003/2004, 2004/ 2005, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016.
- Faculty coordinator of the University business linkage (UBL) program from 2016
- Mentor of the Faculty of Agriculture students for inter university innovation competition SIIIP in 2013
- Representative from the Faculty of Agriculture to the Senate from year 2005 to 2007.
- Elected member from the Faculty of Agriculture for Sports advisory board for the year 1999/2000.
- Elected member from the Faculty of Agriculture for World University Services for the year 2005
University level
- Member of the Senate of the University of Jaffna from 2005-2009 and 2015 to date
- Member of the Board of study for Agricultural Science in Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jaffna from 2008 to date
- Person in charge for the track Food and Nutrition for Jaffna University International Research Conference -2014 (JUICE 2014)
- Editorial committee member of the Jaffna University International Research Conference -2018 (JUICE 2018)
- Member of the curriculum committee of the Faculty of Technology
- Chairman of the Technical Evaluation Committee for procuring equipment for Food production technology, Faculty of Technology
- Member of many Selection Boards appointed by Senate for the Promotions of Academic and Academic Support staff
- Chairperson of Section B of Jaffna Science Association for the year 2015/2016
- Secretary of Section B of Jaffna Science Association for the year 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015
- Reviewer of many national and international conferences
- Chief examiner for the A/L advanced level Agricultural sciences subject for the year of 2019.
- Co-controlling examiner for Advanced Level 2015, 2016 & 2018 Bio systems Technology Practical exam
- Examiner for the selection of public officers for BSc. in Agriculture course at University of Jaffna in 2013- 2015
- Moderator and second examiner for end semester examination of AEFC 22033 Food science, AHE 3201 Food science and AHE 4201 Food analysis and Technology courses in Home Economics of the Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna in 2006
- Examiner for many Food Science and Technology related subjects in Bio-system Technology of the Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna from 2017.
- Second examiner for Food chemistry course at Faculty of Science, Eastern University of Sri Lanka from 2017.
- Examiner for the courses in the certificate course of Palm resource technology. It includes PRT 201 Basic biochemistry and Nutrition, PRT 202 Introduction to food science and Food microbiology, PRT 203 Food preservation and processing and PRT 204 Edible and non-edible products of palm (2004/2005).
Resource person
- Short course training on “Appropriate postharvest management on agricultural produce” organized by Eastern university of Sri Lanka in partnership with British council of Sri Lanka on 16th– 18th March 2006.
- Certificate course on Palm resource technology for the courses namely Basic bio chemistry and Nutrition, Introduction to food science and Food microbiology, Food preservation and processing and Edible and non-edible products of palm (2004/2005).
- Residential workshop for A/L Agricultural science teachers organized by the Provincial department of education, Northern Province on 26th -28th September 2013
- Workshop for Bio system Technology teachers organized by the Provincial department of education, Northern Province on 23rd July 2014
- Bio system Technology workshop organized by Zonal education office, Jaffna on 21st -25th April 2015
- Workshop for Development officers of Mullaitivu district about importance of Food & Nutrition organized by District secretariat, Mullaitivu on 24th November 2016.
Undergraduate Teaching
- ACH 21013 Biochemistry and Nutrition
- ACH 22012 Food Product Quality and Processing
- ACH 32013 Food Technology
- ACHS 32032 Food Chemistry
- ACHS 32042 Food Microbiology
- ACHS 41052 Food Preservation Technology
- ACHS 41062 Food Analysis
- ACHS 41072 Food Processing
- ACHS 41082 Food and Nutrition
- ACC 11042 Laboratory Techniques
- ACC 22011 Career Guidance and Skill Development
Inter faculty Teaching
- BTF302TC2 Fruits and Vegetable process Technology for Bio-system Technology students from Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna in 2019
- BTF210TC2 Fermentation Technology for Bio-system Technology students from Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna in 2019
- BTF204TC3 Food preservation Technology for Bio-system Technology students from Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna in 2018.
- BTF106BC3 Biochemistry for Bio-system Technology students from Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna in 2017.
- AHEC 3203 Food processing and preservation for Home Economics students from Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna in 2014
Certificate course of Palm resource technology
- PRT 201 Basic biochemistry and Nutrition, PRT 202 Introduction to Food science and Food microbiology, PRT 203 Food preservation and processing and PRT 204 Edible and non-edible products of palm in 2004/2005
Postgraduate supervision
Miss.K.Srikantha- Purification and characterization of bacteriocin produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from natural fermented food products- Reading MPhil -2017/18- University of Jaffna- (Joint supervisor-Prof.R.Kapilan)
Miss.S.Sarvanandan- Assessment of consume awareness on food labels and the effect of the level of awareness on buying behaviour of consumers in Jaffna district- MSc-2014- University of Peradeniya (Joint Supervisor- Prof.T.Madhujith)
Undergraduate supervision
Research Grants
- Deputy Project Coordinator for the project entitled as “Cultivation of micro algae for bio lipid production: Optimization of net energy and mathematical modeling of bio processes” Development Oriented research Project (DOR) under the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) program financed by the World Bank through Ministry of Higher Education and Highways of Sri Lanka, Duration 2019-2021
- Co-Investigator for the project entitled as “Evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of selected seaweeds available in Northern region of Sri Lanka” University of Jaffna Research Grant Duration 2019-2020.
- Principal investigator for the project entitled as “Evaluation of oxidative stability and frying performance of coconut and sesame oil blends” University of Jaffna Research Grant, Duration 2018-2019
- Co-investigator for the project entitled as “Purification and characterization of bacteriocin produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from natural fermented food products” NRC grant, No.16-071, Duration 2016-2018
- Principal investigator for the project entitled as “Effect of processing on antioxidant activity of selected vegetables” University of Jaffna Research Grant, Duration 2016-2017
- Principal investigator for the project entitled as “Debittering of citrus fruit juices and Palmyra pulp” University of Jaffna Research Grant, Duration 2015-2016
- Co-investigator for the project entitled as “Preliminary Studies on Extraction of Alginates from Brown Seaweeds available in Coastal Region of Jaffna Peninsula” University of Jaffna Research Grant, Duration 2015-2016
- Council for Agricultural Research Policy, Sri Lanka (2010-2013) scholarship awarded for PhD Programme under ICAR-CARP work plan 2008-2009
- Co-investigator for the project entitled as “Baker’s yeast cell mass production by utilizing locally available carbon and nitrogen sources” University of Jaffna Research Grant, Duration 2007-2008
Consultancy service
- Consultant for the project on “Quality improvement of Palmyrah based food products using proper packaging techniques” carried out by Palmyrah Research Institute, Kaithady in 2014
- Consultant for the project on “Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of different Palmyrah jaggery and bottled toddy processing plant available in Sri Lanka” carried out by Palmyrah Research Institute, Kaithady in 2017
Full papers published in peer reviewed journals
Pereira, J.C., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2020). Effect of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola L.) by-product on oxidative stability of sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil under accelerated oven storage and during frying. Journal of Oleo Science, 69(8): 837-849. doi:10.5650/jos.ess19248.
Bavaneethan,Y., Vasantharuba,S., Balakumar.S. and K. Thayananthan. (2020) Effect of Different Thermal Processing Methods on Resistant Starch Content of Selected Tubers, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 20 (2): 76-81 2020, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2020.76.81
Thanuja, S., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S., (2019) Effect of Different Cooking Methods on the Antioxidant properties of Bitter gourd (Mormodica charantia) Cultivated in Jaffna District. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka, 14(2), 111–119. DOI:
Vanniyasingam, J, Kapilan, R and Vasantharuba, S (2019). Isolation and characterization of potential probiotic lactic acid bacteria isolated from cow milk and milk products, AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(1):32–43. DOI:
Thanuja, S., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2019). Effect of different cooking methods on antioxidant properties of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Ceylon Journal of Science, 48 (1), 85–90. DOI:
Sarathadevi, R., Kapilan, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Papaw fruit juice as source for single cell protein production using natural palmyrah toddy yeast. Ceylon Journal of Science, 47(4), 379–386. DOI:
Sarathadevi, R., Kapilan, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Single Cell Protein Production from Papaw and Banana Fruit Juices Using Baker’s Yeast. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science. 18 (4): 168-172. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2018.168.172.
Thanuja, S., Sivakanthan. S., Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Influence of Different Cooking Methods on the Antioxidant Activity of Local Pumpkin Variety (Cucurbita maxima) Cultivated in Jaffna District, Journal of Dry Zone Agriculture, 4(1): 21-29.
Keerthini, S, Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Kinetic Properties and Metal Ion Stability of the Extracellular Naringinase Produced By Aspergillus Flavus Isolated From Decaying Citrus Maxima Fruits, International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 4(1): 09-18.
Sinthuja, K, Kapilan, R and Vasantharuba,S (2017) Kinetic Properties of Extracellular Thermophilic Naringinase Produced by Rhizophus Stolonifer Isolated from Palmyrah Fruit Pulp, International Journal of Scientific Research in Agricultural Sciences, 5(3): 71-81.
Keerthini, S, Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S.(2016) Characterization of best naringinase producing fungus isolated from the citrus fruits, International Journal of Biological Research, 4(2):83-87
Sinthuja, K, Kapilan, R and Vasantharuba S. (2016) Characterization of best naringinase producing fungus strain isolated from palmyrah (Borrasus flabellifer) fruit pulp, International Journal of Biological Research, 4(2):97-101.
Keerthini, S, Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S.(2016) Optimization of naringinase production from Aspergillus flavus in solid state fermentation media using citrus peel as support, Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences, 4(6):535-543.
Sinthuja, K, Kapilan, R and Vasantharuba S. (2016) Optimization of naringinase production by Rhizophus stolonifer in solid state fermentation media using paddy husk as support, Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences, 4(6):507-514.
Bavaneethan,Y, Vasantharuba,S, Balakumar,S and Thayananthan,K (2015) Effect of different processing time on resistant starch content of selected tubers, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11 (4): 244-246.
Banusha.S and Vasantharuba.S. (2014) Preparation of wheat malted flour blend biscuit and evaluation of its quality characteristics, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 14 (5): 459-463.
Banusha.S andVasantharuba.S. (2013) Effect of malting on nutritional contents of fingermillet and mungbean, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 13 (12): 1642-1646.
Vasantharuba S, Banumathi, P. Premalatha, M.R. Sundaram S.P. and Arumugam T.(2012) Effect of packaging materials on retention of quality characteristics of selected dehydrated green leafy vegetables during storage, World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences 7 (2): 190-194
Vasantharuba S, Banumathi, P. Premalatha, M.R. Sundaram S.P. and Arumugam T.(2012) Functional properties of Centellaasiatica (L.)- A review, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals Sciences, 4(5): 8-14.
Vasantharuba S, Banumathi, P. Premalatha, M.R. Sundaram S.P. and Arumugam T.(2012) Studies on the preparation of biscuits incorporated with potato flour, World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences 7 (1): 79-84
Subajiny V, Ketheeswary N, Vasantharuba S,, Balakumar.S and Vasanthy.A (2010) Optimization of bread preparation from wheat flour and malted rice flour, Rice Science 17:1, 51-59.
Sanchika,R and Vasantharuba S. and Sivakumar,S(2010) Effect of low cost evaporative cool chamber on the shelf life and quality of Amaranthus sp. Journal of dry Zone Agriculture, 1(1): 89-97.
Sanchika,R and Vasantharuba.S and Sivakumar,S (2010) Comparative study on evaporative cooling chamber and ambient storage for shelf life and quality of brinjal, Journal of Science and Management, Vavuniya campus of the University of Jaffna, Vol.2:1-8.
Subajiny V, Ketheeswary N, Vasantharuba S, Balakumar.S and Vasanthy.A (2009) Biochemical Changes Associated with Germinating Rice Grains and Germination Improvement, Rice Science 16:3, 240-242
Inparuban,K. Vasantharuba S, Balakumar.S and Arasaratnam,V (2009) Optimization of culture conditions for Baker’s yeast cell mass production- a preliminary study, Journal of Science, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 6(1):34-45.
Nirajini,B and Vasantharuba S, (2009) Evaluation and comparison of nutritive qualities of some selected rice varieties at Jaffna peninsula in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Agriculture, 1:1, 47-52.
Vasantharuba S,, Wijesinghe.D.G.N.G and Sivakanesan.R (2007) Changes in vitamin E and essential fatty acid contents and their interrelationship in soybean seeds during germination and storage, Tropical Agricultural Research Vol. 19:119-127
Vasantharuba,S, Liyanage,P.K and Sivakanesan,R (2006) Effect of different cultivars and preparation methods on vitamin E, total fat and fatty acid content of soybean, Tropical Agricultural Research Vol.18 :386-393
Full papers published in proceedings of symposiums/conferences
Keerthini, S, Kapilan, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2019). Purification and characterization of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus reuteri AF182723,a strain isolated from traditionally prepared curd, Proceedings of the Vavuniya Campus International Research Symposium 2019, 118-123.
Thanuja, S, Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). The effect of boiling, stir-frying and microwave cooking methods on the antioxidant potential of local brinjal variety (Solanum melongina) available in Jaffna district. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Food Quality, Safety and Security (1):48-54. DOI:
Ganeshalingam, M, Vasantharuba,S and Balakumar,S. (2018) Analysis of quality parameters for edible sesame oil samples available in Jaffna district, Proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2018, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, pp168-170.
Thanuja, S, Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). The influence of various cooking methods on the antioxidant compounds of local Carrot variety (Daucus carota) cultivated in Jaffna district. Proceedings of the 4th Jaffna University International conference – JUICe 2018. pp.37-39.
Sukanthan, Y., Kapilan, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Production and optimization of bioethanol from sour orange (Citrus aurantium) peel using baker’s yeast. . Proceedings of the 4th Jaffna University International conference – JUICe 2018. pp.43-46.
Moganatharsa, G., Vasantharuba,S. and Balakumar,S. (2018). Quality assessment of edible Sesame oil samples produced in Jaffna district. Proceedings of the 4th Jaffna University International conference – JUICe 2018. pp.51-53.
Simmaky, S Madhujith T and Vasantharuba S (2015) Assessment of consume awareness on food labels and the effect of the level of awareness on buying behaviour of consumers in Jaffna district, Proceedings of 8th International Research Conference, KDU, Sri Lanka, p88-92
Niththiya,N, Vasantharuba,S, Subajini,M and Srivijeindran,S. (2014) Formulation of instant soup mix powder using uncooked palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer) tuber flour and locally available vegetables, Proceedings of Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2014), p 198-202.
Nirajini B and VasantharubaS, (2010) Evaluation and comparison of cooking and eating characteristics of some selected rice varieties in Jaffna peninsula, Sabaragamuwa University Special Journal, Proceedings of second international symposium 2008,p241-253.
Rajendran,B,Vasantharuba S, Balakumar.S and V.Arasaratnam (2008) Analysis of drinking water in educational institutions of Jaffna peninsula for bacterial contamination during dry and wet seasons, Water resources research in Sri Lanka, Symposium proceedings of the water professional day-October 1st 2008., p-143-154.
Vasantharuba.S and Sivakanesan.R (2005) Changes in fat and fatty acid content of soybean seeds stored in different packaging materials, Proceedings of the 1st national symposium on innovative approaches in post harvest engineering and technology, p-105-113
Abstracts published in National/ International Conferences
Kanuja, T., Vasantharuba, S. and Keerthini, S. (2021). Isolation and identification of probiotic lactic acid bacteria from banana, papaya and fermented rice batter. Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University and National Academy of Biological Sciences (NABS), Chennai, 28th August 2021, pp. 174.
Nitharsana,R., Sarathadevi.R. and Vasantharuba,S. 2021. Quality analysis of commercially available selected bottled drinking water samples in Jaffna district, International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2021, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, pp 131
Abinaya, K., Vasantharuba, S. and Thayalini, T. (2021). Formulation of palmyrah jaggery by incorporating Cassia auriculata to use as a natural sweetener for diabetic patients. 4th International conference on food and nutrition (4th ICFN)-2021, Singapore. 23rd -24th September 2021, pp.48.
Nayanjith, R.P.D.N., Dharmasiri, P.G.N.H. and Vasantharuba, S. (2021). Development of herbal biscuit and evaluation of sensory and nutritional quality. International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA)-2021, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 3rd – 4th December 2021, pp.56.
Sanduni Nuwanthika Galagedara, G.M., Sarathadevi, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2021). Production of Green Banana Powder from Ambul and Puwalu Varieties and Comparisons of their Physicochemical, Antioxidant Properties and Shelf-Life Evaluation. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture -2021 (ICDA 2021), University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 3rd – 4th December 2021, pp. 57.
Aruna Christella, C., Sarathadevi, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2021). Development of Banana Pseudo-Stem Incorporated Chips and Study the acceptability of the Product. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture -2021 (ICDA 2021), University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 3rd – 4th December 2021, pp. 58.
Rangani, K.H.K.K., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. 2020. Evaluation of nutritional knowledge and food consumption pattern among students of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka held on 25th and 26th January 2020 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 17.
Pereira, J.C., Sivakanthan, S., and Vasantharuba, S. (2019). Effect of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) peel extract on oxidative stability of sesame (Sesame indicum) oil during deep fat frying. 2nd National Undergraduate Research Symposium. National Science and Technology Commission. pp.04.
Pereira, J.C., Sivakanthan, S., and Vasantharuba, S. (2019). Effect of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) peel extract on oxidative stability of sesame (Sesame indicum) oil during storage. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. pp.105
Nivethini, B., Sivakanthan, S., and Vasantharuba, S. (2019). The effect of plantain peel extracts on the oxidative stability of coconut and sesame oils and their blends during deep frying. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Session. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Vol : 22 , pp.129.
Maria Nimalini, M., Vasantharuba, S. and Kapilan, R. (2019). Antibacterial Activity of selected seaweed extracts against some selected infectious pathogens. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Session. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Vol : 22 , pp.144.
Sivakanthan, S., Kajani, S. and Vasantharuba, S.(2019). Quality Assessment of Biscuit Incorporated with Cassia auriculata L. Flower Powder. 1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food Security & Safety. p-16
Dharmasiri, P.G.N.H., Thushari Liyanage and Vasantharuba, S. (2019). Development of sugar free cinnamon biscuits and evaluation of its quality characteristics. Proceedings of Open University Research Session. pp.62.
Maria Nimalini, M., Vasantharuba, S. Kapilan,R (2019) Nutritional Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Seaweeds from Northern Region of Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture held during 19th and 20th December 2019, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna 5: 88.
Maria Nimalini, M., Vasantharuba, S. and Kapilan, R. (2019). Antibacterial activity of brown seaweed extracts (Turbinana ornate) against some selective infectious pathogens. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association, vol. 26, No.1, pp.38.
Simmaky, S., Madhujith, T. and Vasantharuba, S. (2019). Awareness on Food Related Information Among The Consumers In Jaffna District. Proceedings of Jaffna Science association. 26:1 p-37.
Thanuja, S., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Comparison of antioxidant properties of some selected vegetables cultivated in Jaffna district Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products XVI (ASOMPS XVI) held on 12-14th December 2018 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 160.
Jananay, V., Kapilan,R. and Vasantharuba,S. (2018). Evaluation of probiotic potential of lactic acid bacteria isolated from cow milk and milk products. 74th conference of Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science. pp-88.
Keerthini, S., Kapilan,R. and Vasantharuba,S. (2018). Optimization of bacteriocin production by Lactobacillus sp, a strain isolated from traditionally prepared curd. 74th conference of Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science. pp-89.
Mohanatharsa, G Vasantharuba,S and Balakumar,S (2018). Analysis of Selected Quality Parameters for Edible Coconut oil Samples Produced in Jaffna District, Proceedings of Vignanam International Research Conference, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, pp37
Kajani, S., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Evaluation of Antioxidant properties of Cassia auriculata L. Flower Extracts. 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2018) held on 1st-2nd November 2018 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. pp.: 127.
Sanmugalingam, T., Vasantharuba,S. and Kailayalingam,R. (2018). Shelf life improvement of boiled and dried palmyrah tuber (Pulukkodiyal) with preservatives. 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2018) held on 1st-2nd November 2018 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. pp:129.
Pereira, J.C., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Effect of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) peel extract on oxidative stability of sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil. 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2018) held on 1st-2nd November 2018 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. pp.: 122.
Thanuja, S., Sivakanthan, S. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Effect of Different Cooking Methods on Antioxidant Properties of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Grown in the Jaffna District. 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2018) held on 1st-2nd November 2018 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. pp:125.
Moganatharsa, G., Vasantharuba,S. and Balakumar,S. (2018). Study on physicochemical properties of coconut oils produced in Jaffna district. 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2018) held on 1st-2nd November 2018 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. pp: 123.
Sukanthan, Y., Kapilan, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Preliminary study on the production of essential oil and pectin from the peel and fruit waste of sour orange (Citrus aurantium). 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2018) held on 1st-2nd November 2018 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. pp: 130.
Janany, V., Kapilan, R. and Vasantharuba, S. (2018). Isolation and Characterization of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria from Milk and Milk Products. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. P-121.
Thanuja,S., Sivakanthan.S and Vasantharuba.S. (2017) Effect of different cooking methods on the antioxidant properties of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and bitter gourd (Mormodica charantia) cultivated in Jaffna district, Proceedings of Peradeniya university international research sessions (iPURSE 2017), Volume 21, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 24th November 2017, p.93-94
Sarathadevi,R., Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Optimization of single cell protein production from banana fruit juice using palmyrah toddy mix under liquid fermentation system, Proceedings of Peradeniya university international research sessions (iPURSE 2017), Volume 21, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 24th November 2017, p.93-94
Sarathadevi,R., Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Production of single cell protein using mixed culture of toddy with banana fruit juice: A cost effective method, Proceedings of 22nd international forestry and environment symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, 10th -11th November 2107, p.34
Thanuja,S., Sivakanthan.S and Vasantharuba.S. (2017) The effect of boiling, stir-frying and microwave cooking methods on tha antioxidant potential of local brinjal variety (Solanum melongina) available in the Jaffna district, The international conference on food quality, safety and security(Food qualiSS-2017), The international institute of knowledge management, Sri Lanka, 24th-25th October 2017, p.04.
Sarathadevi,R., Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Comparative study on single cell protein production with Baker’s yeast and mixed culture of toddy from papaw juice, The international conference on food quality, safety and security (Food qualiSS-2017), The international institute of knowledge management, Sri Lanka, 24th-25th October 2017, p.27.
Keerthini, S, Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Isolation of potential Bacteriocin producing Lactic acid bacteria from fermented food products showing antimicrobial activity, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture -2017 (ICDA 2017), UOJ, Sri Lanka, 1st – 2nd November 2017, p.65
Sukanthan,Y, Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Production and crystallization of citric acid from sour orange (Citrus aurantium) juice using Aspergillus niger Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture -2017 (ICDA 2017), UOJ, Sri Lanka, 1st – 2nd November 2017, p.66
Sarathadevi,R., Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Production of single cell protein from papaw fruit juice using palmyrah toddy mix, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture -2017 (ICDA 2017), UOJ, Sri Lanka, 1st – 2nd November 2017, p.67
Thanuja,S., Sivakanthan.S and Vasantharuba.S. (2017) Influence of different cooking methods on the antioxidant activity of local pumpkin variety (Cucurbita maxima) cultivated in the Jaffna district, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture -2017 (ICDA 2017), UOJ, Sri Lanka, 1st – 2nd November 2017, p.68
Kopiga,U., Diluckmini,B., Vasantharuba.S and Srivijeindran.S. (2017) Preparation of palmyrah crude sugar using electric oil jacket cooker, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture -2017 (ICDA 2017), UOJ, Sri Lanka, 1st – 2nd November 2017, p.70
Rohini,B., Sivakanthan.S and Vasantharuba.S. (2017) Effect of different blanching methods on antioxidant properties of selected vegetables, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture -2017 (ICDA 2017), UOJ, Sri Lanka, 1st – 2nd November 2017, p.71
Sukanthan,Y, Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2017) Bioethanol production using sour orange (Citrus aurantium) fruit juice using Baker’s yeast, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture -2017 (ICDA 2017), UOJ, Sri Lanka, 1st – 2nd November 2017, p.79
Keerthini, S, Kapilan R and Vasantharuba S (2016) Naringinase producing bacterium from decaying bitter citrus fruit (Citrus medica), Proceedings of International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture-2016, UOJ, Sri Lanka, 15th -16th December 2016, p.40
Sinthuja, K, Kapilan, R and Vasantharuba S (2016) Isolation and characterization of naringinase producing bacteria from palmyrah (Borrasus flabellifer) fruit pulp, Proceedings of International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture-2016, UOJ, Sri Lanka, 15th -16th December 2016, p.41
Thisigayini, S. Vasantharuba,S and Thavaranjit,A.C (2016) Studies on identification of different species of brown seaweeds available in coastal region of Jaffna peninsula, Proceedings of International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture-2016, UOJ, Sri Lanka, 15th -16th December 2016, p.42
Sivakanesan,S, Angajan,S, Surenthirakumaran,R. Vasantharuba,S. (2015) Usage of pesticides, self-protection methods and influence of knowledge of farmers on usage of pesticides in Jaffna district, Northern Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 47th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 21-23 October 2015, Bandung, Indonesia, p-354.
Jaathavan,T, Vasantharuba,S, Balakumar,S and Sritharan,K (2015) Determination of Metanil yellow in chili and turmeric powder samples available in Jaffna peninsula, Proceedings of International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture-2015, UOJ, Sri Lanka, 15th -16th October 2015, p.56
Mythini, S. Vasantharuba, S. Balakumar S.and Sritharan K.(2015) Effect of different processing methods on antioxidant and total phenol content of selected vegetables, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 22(1): p 15.
Vasantharuba,S and Banumathi,P. (2014) Effect of drying methods on functional compounds of Alternanthera sessilis leaves, Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference, Sri Lanka, 29 – 30 August 2014,p280.
Vasantharuba,S and Banumathi,P.(2014) Changes in quality characters of powdered dehydrated Spinaceae olearaceae leaves during storage Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference, Sri Lanka, 29 – 30 August 2014,p281.
Kasthani,K, Vasantharuba.S., Sangeetha,S and Srivijeindran,S. (2014) Optimization of sponge cake formulation with palmyrah food resources and evaluation its quality characteristics,Proceedings of the 21st Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 21(1): p 28.
Kasthani,K, Vasantharuba.S., Sangeetha,S and Srivijeindran,S. (2014) Effect of packaging materials on shelf life of palmyrah food resource cake,Proceedings of the 21st Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 21(1): p 29.
Banusha,S and Vasantharuba,S. (2014) Preparation and quality evaluation of composite biscuits incorporated with malted flour blends, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 21(1): p 30.
Ponnampalam, B., Sritharan, K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Microbial analysis of ice creams sold in Jaffna Municipality area. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 20
Ponnampalam, B., Sritharan, K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Analysis of the constituent of ice creams sold in Jaffna Municipality area. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 19
Vinayagamoorthy, V., Thayaananthan, K., Vasantharuba, S.,Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Hydrolysis of starch in palmyrah root tuber preparations. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 18
Vinayagamoorthy, V., Thayaananthan, K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Antimicrobial effect of Palmyrah root tuber from different areas of Jaffna Peninsula. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 17
Vinayagamoorthy, V., Thayananthan, K., Vasantharuba, S.,Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Nutrient content of palmyrah root tuber preparations from different areas of Jaffna Peninsula. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 16
Vijayaratnam, J., Nithiyanantharajah, K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Increasing the ethanol content of wine by fed-batch process. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 15
Vijayaratnam, J., Nithiyanantharajah, K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Supplementation of nitrogen sources to grapes extract to improve ethanol production. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 14
Vijayaratnam, J., Nithiyanantharajah, K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam, V. (2010). Preliminary studies to increase the ethanol content in wine from grapes available in Jaffna Peninsula. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): p 13
Nirajini.B and Vasantharuba.S (2009) Comparison of Cooking Characteristics of Traditional and Improved Rice Varieties Proceedings of Jaffna science association 16:1 p-31
Nirajini.B and Vasantharuba.S (2009) Evaluation of Physical Properties of Rice Varieties by Digital Image Processing System, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 16:1 p-32
Balakumar.Y, Vasantharuba.S and Sivakumar.S (2009) Preliminary studies on the changes in some quality parameters of dehydrated onion slices during storage, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 16:1 p-33
Balakumar.Y, Vasantharuba.S and Pooranachandran.K(2009) Designing, modification and evaluation of performance of onion cutter, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 16:1 p-34
Balakumar.Y, Vasantharuba.S and Sivakumar.S (2009) Sensory evaluation of food products prepared with fresh and dehydrated onion, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 16:1 p-35
Sanchika.R, Vasantharuba.S and Sivakumar.S (2009) Evaluation of the low cost, zero energy cool chamber suitable for amaranthus spp. on farm storage in Jaffna district, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 16:1 p-52
Balakumar.Y and Vasantharuba.S (2008) Comparison of quality parameters and sensory characters of fresh and dehydrated onions, Proceedings of Second International Symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, p-52
Yarlini.S, Sivakumar.S and Vasantharuba.S (2008) Effect of pre-treatments and varieties on quality of dehydrated brinjal, Proceeding of the Vavuniya campus annual research session-2008, p-21
Rajendran,B., Sritharan,K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam.V (2008). Evaluation of the microbial and coliform contamination during dry and rainy seasons in water samples collected from some selected schools. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 15:1 p- 38.
Rajendran,B., Sritharan,K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam.V (2008). Evaluation of the microbial and coliform contamination during dry and rainy seasons in water samples collected from some selected markets. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 15:1 p- 39
Rajendran,B., Sritharan,K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam.V (2008). Evaluation of the microbial and coliform contamination during dry and rainy seasons in water samples collected from some selected hospitals. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 15:1 p- 40
Inparuban,K, Nithyanandarajah,N, Vasantharuba,S, Balakumar,S and V.Arasaratnam (2008) Preliminary studies on the production of Baker’s yeast cell mass, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 15:1 p-44
Inparuban,K, Nithyanandarajah,N, Vasantharuba,S, Balakumar,S and V.Arasaratnam (2008) Bakers yeast cell mass production by utilizing locally available carbon and Nitrogen sources Proceedings of Jaffna science association 15:1 p-45
Rajendran,B., Sritharan,K., Vasantharuba, S., Balakumar, S. and Arasaratnam.V (2008). Microbial and coliform contamination in the drinking water samples of University of Jaffna during dry and wet seasons. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 15:1 p- 51
Bavaneethan,Y, Vasantharuba,S, Balakumar,S and Thayananthan,K (2015) Effect of ion (NaCl) interaction on resistant starch content of selected cooked tubers, Proceedings of International Conference on Dry zone Agriculture-2015, UOJ, Sri Lanka, 15th -16th October 2015, p.55
Vasantharuba,S,. Banumathi.P.,Premalatha,M.R., Sundaram,SP and Arumugam.T (2012) Effect of different drying methods on functional compounds of Indian Pennywort (Centellaasiatica L.).Proceedings of the 44th National conference of the Nutrition society of India,p-204
Sanchika.R, Vasantharuba.S and Sivakumar.S (2009)Comparative study on low cost cool chamber and ambient storage for shelf life and quality of brinjal, Proceedings of the Vavuniya campus annual research session-VCARS-2009, p-15.
Sanchika.R, Vasantharuba.S and Sivakumar.S (2009) Evaluation of performance of the cool chamber during dry and wet season, Proceedings of the Vavuniya campus annual research session-VCARS-2009, p-17.
Nirajini.B and Vasantharuba.S (2009) Nutritive qualities of traditional and improved rice varieties, Proceedings of the Vavuniya campus annual research session-VCARS-2009, p-18.
Janani,N and Vasantharuba,S (2009) Effect of pre-treatments on quality of cured ginger, Proceedings of the Vavuniya campus annual research session-VCARS-2009, p-19.
Vasantharuba.S (2006) Changes in fat and fatty acid content of soybean seeds during germination, Proceedings of the 62nd annual sessions of the Sri Lankan Association of the Advancement of science, Part 1 Abstracts, p-189
Vasantharuba,S and Sivakanesan,R (2006) Changes in fat and fatty acid content of soybean seeds under different processing conditions, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 14:1 p-30
Vasantharuba.S(2005) Study on physicochemical properties of bottled palmyrah fruit pulp and treacle, Proceedings of Jaffna science association 13:1 p-13
Satheeswaran, S, Vasantharuba,S and Mohanadas,S (1999) Influence of saltern on the soluble salts of Chemmani southern paddy fields, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association,7:1, p-8
Vasantharuba,S and Mohanadas,S (1999) Cold storage characters of Jumbo kives, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association 7:1, p-9
Articles for dissemination of knowledge
Food packaging, Proceedings of 23rd annual sessions of the Jaffna science association, 23:2, p20-27, 04-06 May 2016.
Quality attributes of fruits and vegetables, Training manual for short course on Appropriate post harvest management of agricultural produce published by Eastern University, Sri Lanka in partnership with British Council, Sri Lanka, March,2006 p 13-21
Food fortification, Jaffna science association, Newsletter 23(2): p-2
Internet : An introduction , Science to society, YSF science magazine September,2003 p-3-5
Listeriosis- An introduction, Daily News, January 31st 2002, p-16 .
Harmful effects of polythene bags, Daily News, July, 4th 2002, p-25.
Bioremediation- an alternative technology, Daily News June 20th 2002, p-29.
Acrylamide in food products, Daily News July 30th 2003, p-16,