Prof. K. Pakeerathan
PhD(University of Sydney, Australia), M.Sc (UOP, Sri Lanka), B.Sc in Agriculture (Hons) (UOJ, Sri Lanka)
Dean/ Professor in Agricultural Biology
- +94 77 6969 511
- deanagri@univ.jfn.ac.lk/ pakeerathank@univ.jfn.ac.lk
- Website
- D in Agriculture (University of Sydney, Australia) -2017
- in Plant Protection Technology (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)- 2012
- in Agriculture –Agricultural Biology (Plant Protection) – (University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka) -2009
Academic Positions held
- Senior Lecturer Grade II – 2017 – to date
- Lecturer (Prob.) -2011 – 2017
- Demonstrator – 2009 – 2011
Research interests
- Breeding for resistance
- Molecular characterization and Identification of plant Pathogen
- Plant pathogen interaction and disease development
- Chemical defense of plant against pathogen
- Identification and characterization of gene expression in resistant plant
- Environmental pollution control (Pesticide residual, ecological studies)
Faculty level
- Convener of 8th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture 2022
- Curriculum Development Revision and Monitoring Committee/FOA-Since 2018
- IQAC member of the Faculty of Agriculture since 2019
- Career guidance advisor /FOA – 02/07/2021-2022
- Coordinator Outreach Committee /FOA -2018
- Coordinator Career guidance cell /FOA -2018
- Editorial committee member of the International Conference of Dry zone Agriculture (ICDA) 2018 and 2022
- Member of Masterplan Committee/Kilinochchi Premises from FOA-2021
- Deputy Proctor Faculty of Agriculture- since 02/2021
- Head/Dept. of Agricultural biology- since 02/01/2019
- Coordinator well-being cell /FOA – since 2018
- Student Councilor Faculty from 2018, 2019 and 2020
- Coordinator AHEAD Project-Results area 2- since 2018
- Secretary of International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture 2018
- Faculty Board Member -2012-2014, From 2017
- University Sports Advisory Committee Member- 2012-2014
University level
- Chief Editor: Research Symposium on Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna-2022
- Member of the panel of examiner of the Postgraduate Research Proposal/Thesis/Presentation
- Member of Editorial member of the Journal of Faculty of Graduate Studies -30/12/2021
- Member of UBL/UOJ from Faculty of Graduate Studies-30/06/2021-2022
- Chairperson/Education and Research Subcommittee-CGEE 01/2021-2023
- Senate member of University of Jaffna- since 2019
- Coordinator for Master of Sustainable Agriculture
- Education and Research Committee for the Center for Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna-2017-2019
- Member of the Board of study for Agricultural Science in Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jaffna from 2019 to date
- Member of the Board of study for Earth Science and Environmental Studies in Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jaffna from 2019 to date
- University research ethics committee member since 2019
Regional/ National Level
- Exco-member of Jaffna University Teacher’s Association (JUTA/FUTA)-for FOA 2021/2022
- Life member of Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka (M. Biol)
- Life member of Sri Lankan Association for Advanced of Science (SLAAS)- since 2018 No-10820/B
- Life member of the Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology (SSM)
- Steering Committee member of Young Science Forum-2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022
- General Secretary of the Jaffna Science Science Association 2019/2020
- Life Member of Young Scientist Forum (YSF), Sri Lanka
- Life-time member of Jaffna Science Science Association since 2009
- Member of Jaffna University Teacher’s Association (JUTA/FUTA)
- Assistant General Secretary of Jaffna Science Science Association 2018/19
- Secretary of Jaffna Science Science Association Section B-2013
International Level
- Life-time member of Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) since 2014
- Life-Time member of Healthcare & Biological Sciences Research Association (HBSRA) since 2018
Undergraduate Teaching
- AGB 12033 Plant Physiology and Environmental Biology
- AGB 21012: Economic Entomology
- AGB 22023: Basic Microbiology and Phytopathology
- AGB 31033: Plant Protection
- AGBS 32022: Nematology
- ACC 21011Social harmony & Active citizenship I-2017-2022
- ACC 21011Social harmony & Active citizenship II-2018-2021
- ACC 31011: Bio-ethics (2018, 2019, 2020,2021 and 2022)
Postgraduate Teaching
- MSc in Environmental management: MEM 20302: Forest and Wildlife Management, 2019
Teaching in other Institutions
- Faculty of Technology, UOJ
- BTG215TC2: Bio agents Production Technology-(2:22/15)-since 2019 {Teacher and First Examiner}
- BTS111TC3: General Microbiology-(3:30/15)-since 2019 {Teacher and First Examiner}
- BTG301TC2: Bio-agent Production Technology-(2:22/15)-since 2019 {Teacher and First Examiner}
- AST406NT2: Bioethics-(1:15/00)-since 2020 {Teacher and First Examiner}
- EST 120NT2: personality and soft skill development” for Engineering technology students-5hrs (2022) – pre-semester course “
- Faculties of Arts, Hindu Studies, Allied Health Sciences, Management and Commerce
- GC1011: Learning Gender Module-CGEE: Gender Main streaming: Arts, Hindu Studies, Allied Health Sciences, Management (2022)
Diploma/ Certificate Programs
- Mushroom Production & Processing Technology-(2:15/30)-Since 2022 {Course Co-ordinator, Teacher and Evaluator}
- Vermi-Technology-(2:15/30)-Since 2022 {Course Co-ordinator, Teacher and Evaluator}
a. Postgraduate Supervision
- Supervisors: Dr. U. A. J. Pinidiyaarachchi, Department of Statistics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya, Dr. T. Kokul at the Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya and K. Pakeerathan, Department of Agricultural Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna.
b. Undergraduate Supervision
- Detection of Powdery Scab Pathogen (Spongospora subterranean sp. subterranea) in Potato using RT -qPCR
- Detection of Adulteration of Cow Ghee: Pure and Market samples
- Efficacy of Natural Plant Extracts Against Hadda Beetle (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata) in Special Relation to Antifeedant and Insecticidal Properties
- Effect of Different Bio-Fortified Compost in Tomato Against to Root-Knot Nematodes
- Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (Amf) and Vermicompost on Paddy Against to Salinity Stress
- Secondary Metabolites of Plant Pathogen as Pesticides
- Testing and Validation of Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) Resistance Genetic Markers in Eggplant (Solanum melongena)
- Impacts of Pesticides on Parthenium Beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata
- Production of Bio Fortified Vermicompost and Its Efficacy on Onion Basal Rot Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae
- Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles of Biorationals and Its Efficacy on Aspergillus flavus
- Determine the Yield Loss Due to Weeds in Green Gram (Vigna radiata) Cultivation and Identify the Available Weed Species
- Efficacy of Seaweed Extract on Chilli Leaf Curl Virus
- Management of Green Mold Disease on Oyster Mushroom Using Plant Extract
- Confirmation of Pathogenicity in Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Wilting at Nursery Stages
- Potential of Selected Bio-rationals and Locally Available Materials for the Eco-friendly Management of Parthenium husterophorus
- Selection of Antagonistic Microbes As Mix Culture To Control White Root Disease of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)
- Detection of Bacterial Pathogens Associated With Imported Seed Potatoes Through Modern Techniques
- Agronomic and Phytochemical Studies on Clitoria ternatea L. (Fabaceae) Species Available in Sri Lanka
- Microbiological Quality of Ice-Cream Marketed in Jaffna
- Evaluation of Plant Extracts and Biocontrol Agents Against rice Blast Fungi Magnapothe Grisea
- Effect of Plant Oils Against Soft Rot of Bacteria Erwinia carotovora and Its Management
- Assessment of Impact of Soil Moisture Stress on Three Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) Clones of RRIM 600, RRISL 203 and RRIC 121
- Bioherbicidal Properties of Cultural Filtrates of Soil Borne Fungi, Phytophthora infestans, Fusarium solani and Botrytis cinerea Against Weeds
- Evaluation of Different Botanical Extracts, Bee Wax Coatings for Post-Harvest Management of Anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Papaya and Assessment of disease Severity in Jaffna
- Current status of Parthenium in Northern Sri Lanka and it’s eco-friendly management
- Pre and Post harvest occurrence of fungal diseases in red onion and their management (2012/13)
- Distribution, Host range and Arthropod association of Paracoccus marginatus in Jaffna and It’s management (2012/13)
- Present status of pesticides in fields and markets and the knowledge on dealers in Jaffna Peninsula (2012/13)
- Evaluation of Banana cultivars against Odoiporus longicollis infestation and effect of bio-rational towards the management of this pest (2011/12)
c. Research Grants Received
- UBL research grant 2022: Super compost, AHEAD grant
- URC 2021: Synthesis of Nano Particle
d. Consultancy Services
Full papers published in peer reviewed journals
Dhananjani, B.A. and Pakeerathan, K. (2023) Organic nutrient solutions for Hydrophonic Spinach (Basella alba) production in urban agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka 8(1): 1-6. DOI: http://doi.org/10.xxxxxxxx (Accepted-In Press)
Sugandhika, M.G.G., Pakeerathan, K. and Fernando, W.M.K. (2021) EFFICACY OF SEAWEED EXTRACT ON CHILLI LEAF CURL VIRUS. Journal of Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences 1(1): 1-6. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/atrsj.v1i1.24
Kandiah Pakeerathan, Chhetri Mumta, Hayden Matthew, Ayliffe Michael, Bariana Harbans, BansalUrmil (2020) Mapping of Adult Plant Leaf Rust Resistance in Aus27506 and Validation of Underlying Loci by In-Planta Fungal Biom ass Accumulation. Agronomy 10(7): 943-954. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10070943
Kandiah Pakeerathan, Harbans Bariana, Naeela Qureshi, Debbie Wong, Matthew Hayden, Urmil Bansal (2019) Identification of a new source of stripe rust resistance Yr82 in wheat. Theor Appl Genet. , 132(11):3169-3176. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-019-03416-y
Naeela Qureshi, Pakeerathan Kandiah, Mesfin Kebede Gessese, Vallence Nsabiyera, Vanessa Wells, Prashanth Babu, Debbie Wong, Matthew Hayden, Harbans Bariana, Urmil Bansal (2018) Development of co-dominant KASP markers co-segregating with Ug99 effective stem rust resistance gene Sr26 in wheat. Mol Breeding , 38(97), pp 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-018-0854-6
Kishojini, P., Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. (2018) GPS Based Density and Distribution Mapping and Composting a Sustainable Approach for Monitoring and Managing Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in Northern Sri Lanka. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 8(4), pp 160-170
Mumta Chhetri, Bariania H, Pakeerathan Kandiah, Urmil Bansal: Yr58 : A New Stripe Rust Resistance Gene and Its Interaction with Yr46 for Enhanced Resistance. Phytopathology 08/2016; 106(12)., 1530-1534., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-04-16-0182-R
Piragalathan, A., Pakeerathan, K., Thirukkumaran, G. and Mikunthan, G. Efficacy of Different Insecticides and Bio-Rationals Against Papaya Mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococidae) Infestation in Home Gardens. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 09/2014; 21(10):1689-1693., DOI:10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.21.10.82293
Vigitha Naguleswaran, Kandiah Pakeerathan, Gunasingam Mikunthan: Biological Control: A Promising Tool for Bulb-Rot and Leaf Twisting Fungal Diseases in Red Onion (Allium Cepa L.) In Jaffna District. World Applied Sciences Journal 03/2014; 31(6):1090-1095., DOI:10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.31.06.292
N Thiruchchelvan, G Mikunthan, G Thirukkumaran, K Pakeerathan (2013) Effect of Insecticides on Bio-Agent Trichoderma harzianum rifai Under In vitro Condition, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 13(10) 1357-1360 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2013.13.10.11243.
Suvanthini S., Mikunthan G., Thurairatnam S. and Pakeerathan K. 2012, Evaluation of Withania somnifera extracts on a storage pest Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, Annals of Biological Research, 3 (11):5050-5053.
Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. and Tharshani , N. 2009 Eco-friendly management of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofid and White) Chitwood using different green leaf manures on tomato under field conditions, American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural& Environmental Sciences, 6(5), 494-497.
Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. and Tharshani, N. 2009 Effect of different animal manures on Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) on tomato, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences,5(4), 432-435.
- கந்தையா பகீரதன் (2022) “அந்நியக்களை பாதீனியம்: அடங்க மறுப்பது ஏன்? அறியாததும் புரியாததும்”, விவசாய உயிரியல் துறை, விவசாயபீடம், யாழ்ப்பாணப் பல்கலைக்கழகம், அறிவியல் நகர், கிளிநொச்சி, பக்கம் 1-120. {ISBN: 978-624-97873-0-8} (pending release)
Book Chapters
- Kandiah Pakeerathan (2022) Molecular Tagging of Disease Resistance in Oilseed Crops, In: M. Prakash et al., Physiological Interventions for Developing Climate Resilient Pulses, International Books & Periodical Supply Service, DELHI-110034 (India), pp 136-184 {e-ISBN: 978-93-90425-55-6/ ISBN: 978-93-90425-54-9}
- Pakeerathan, K. and Vaishnavi. K (2022) Technologically SMART crop protection in Organic Agriculture and recommended policy revision for Sri Lankan context, In: Environment sustenance and food safety: need of more vibrant policy initiatives for Sri Lanka, L.K. Weerasinghe, S. Samarakoon, K. Pakeerathan, K.W. Samarakoon and C. Kadigamuwa (Eds.), National Science and Technology Commission of Sri Lanka, Battramulla, pp 126-197. {ISBN: 978-955-8630-17-4}
- Kandiah Pakeerathan (2022) Molecular Characterization and Mapping of Stress Resistance Genes Using SNP Platform in Legumes, In: Prakash Muthu Arjuna Samy et al. (Eds): Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Springer Nature, xxxxxxx (xxxxx), pp xxx-xxx (In Press) {ISBN: 978-981-19-5816-8} DOI : 10.1007/978-981-19-5817-5.
Extended Abstracts
- Samuddrika, T.D.Y., Pakeerathan, K., Kathirgamanathar, S. and Wijeyasiriwardana, T.D.M.C.K. (2022) ADULTERATION DETECTION OF COW GHEE WITH INFERIOR COMMODITIES. 6th Annual Research Session of IFSTSL- 2022, Institute of Food Science and Technology, Sri Lanka (IFSTSL), 1(1),54-61.
- Karunasena, P.D.N.S., Pakeerathan, K., Thileepan, T. and G. Mikunthan (2022) Anthelmintic effect of biorationals against the root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita colonizing chilli rhizosphere, 4th International Conference of Agricultural Sciences (AgInsight 2022) Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 1(1), 1-4
- Kanagasabai, V., Pakeerathan, K. and Sashikesh G. (2022) Nano-based
formulation of Acarous calamus rhizome extract and its efficacy on Aspergillus flavus, 4th International Conference of Agricultural Sciences (AgInsight 2022) Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 1(1), 9-12. - Halangoda, H.R., Pakeerathan, K. and G. Mikunthan (2022) Impacts of selected pesticides on parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata pallister under laboratory conditions in Sri Lanka, 4th International Conference of Agricultural Sciences (AgInsight 2022) Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 1(1), 5-8
- Konesalingam Jeyavithuyan, Kandiah Pakeerathan and Aruchchunan Nirosha (2021). Super Compost for Organic Agriculture, 4th Organic Asia Congress-2021: November 25th – 27th, 2021, Jakarta Indonesia, 121-128.
- Pakeerathan, K. (2021). Image Processing a Smart Technology for Early Detection of Crop Pests and Diseases. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SMART AGRICULTURE FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS: BROADER PERSPECTIVES AND SPECIAL CHALLENGES FOR ISLAND STATES 11-12 AUGUST, 2021 [VIRTUAL MODE], Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre), New Delhi and Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Mauritius, 44-47.
- Hemantha Piris, B.G.B. Pakeerathan, K., and Sayanthan, S. 2021. Efficacy of Botanical Extracts Against Storage Insect Pest Tribolium confusum (confused flour beetle) and Sitophilus oryzae (Rice Weevil). Proceeding of 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology (IECE 2021).
- Kumara, P. Pakeerathan, K., Deepani, L.P.P. (2021). Assessment of Yield Loss in Green Gram (Vigna radiate (L) R. Wilczek) Cultivation and Estimation of Weed-Free Period for Eco-Friendly Weed Management. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 3(1),22. Proceeding of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy.
- Buddhika, H.D.K. Dharmadasa, R.M. Menuka Arawwawala, L.D.A. Pakeerathan, K. (2021). Phytochemical Properties of Clitoria ternatea L. (Fabaceae)- A Distinct Flower Morphometric Plants Available in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy
- Ledchumanakumar, S. Aruchchunan, N. Kandaiah, P. Gunasingham M. (2021). Root Knot Nematode Management Using Chitin Rich Fish Industry by Product in Organic Brinjal Cultivation. Proceeding of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy.
- Vijayarasa, J. Pakeerathan, K. Thiruchchelvan, N. Gunasingham M. (2021). Bio- Remediation Agro-Based Industry’s Wastewater and Mass Production of Spirulina (Spirulina platensis (Gomont) Geitler 1925). Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 3(1),22. Proceeding of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy.
- Perera, TVRC, Pakeerathan, K and Nirosha, A (2021) ECO-FRIENDLY MANAGEMENT COMMON LAB CONTAMINANT Trichoderma spp IN OYSTER MUSHROOM PRODUCTION USING AGROBASED INDUSTRY’S BY-PRODUCTS. Proceedings The 5th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 – (ICCC 2021) 5(1),65-71. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17501/2513258X.2021.5105
- G. Vijayakanthan, T. Kokul, K. Pakeerathan and U. A. J. Pinidiyaarachchi, “Classification of Vegetable Plant Pests using Deep Transfer Learning,” 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), IEEE Xplore, pp. 167-172, DOI: 10.1109/ICIAfS52090.2021.9606176 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9606176)
ADVANCE AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS. Souvenir & Abstracts International Conference on ADVANCES IN AGRICULTURAL & FOOD SCIENCES TO FACE THE CHALLENGES TO ENVIRONMENT AND BIOSECURITY, 16 20 JANUARY, 2021 School of Agricultural Sciences, Sharda University, Knowledge Park 3, Greater Noida, India, pp124-125 - K. Pakeeratharan (2021) Gel free SNP technology to characterize host plant
resistance in Genomics Era. Proceedings of the International Conference on Life Science: Contemporary approaches in Biological Science for Food, Health, Nutrition Security and Conservation of Biodiversity, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, India, pp60-61 - Ovini, R.I. Pakeerathan, K., Pushpanji, K. Mikunthan, G. 2020. Selected plant pathogenic fungal culture filtrates (secondary metabolites) as potential Bio herbicides. Proceeding of the 9 th Young Scientist Forum Symposium, 190-196.
- Niveka, S., Pakeerathan, K. and G. Mikunthan. (2020). Fungicide free management of papaya Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.) disease using combined bio-rationales and bee wax in Organic Agriculture. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 4(1),16. Proceeding of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science.
- Kishojini, P., Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. 2019. Potential
of selected plant extracts as herbicide for managing the alien weed Parthenium (P. hysterophorus) in Northern Sri Lanka. 8th YSF Symposium, 1(1), pp 1-5 - Thiruchchelvan, N., Pakeerathan, K., Thirukkumaran, G. and Mikunthan,
G. Evaluation and Selection of the Most Cost Effective Media for In Vitro Cultivation of Banana Stem Rot Fungus, Marasmiellus sp, proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE), 2012. - Amirthaveni, V., Pakeerathan, K., Thirukkumaran, G. and Mikunthan,G. Parasitic Potential-Host Range of Cascuta sp. and its Impact on Allium cepa L. Grown in Jaffna, proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE), 2012.
Abstracts Presented at Conferences
- Published in abstract form – up to 0.75 point/abstract 5
N.D. Dilhani, T. Nirosha, & K. Pakeerathan (2022) Performance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi associated with Cymbidium bicolor against salinity stress, PROCEEDINGS of 1st Ruhuna International Undergraduate Research Symposium 2022 (RIURES’22), Faculty of
Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, 2nd November 2022, Pp30 - T.D.Y. Samuddrika, K. Pakeerathan, S. Kathirgamanathar and T.D.M.C.K. Wijeyasiriwardana (2022) Comparative physico-chemical identification of pure and market cow ghee samples. 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDICINAL PLANTS, HERBAL PRODUCTS & HYDROPONICS 2022 (6th ICMPHP)/ 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AYURVEDA, UNANI, SIDDHA & TRADITIONAL MEDICINE (8th iCAUST) – 2022, INSTITUTE OF INDIGENOUS MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBO, RAJAGIRIYA, SRI LANKA, 1(1),44.
- U.B. Madushika, A. Nirosha, K. Pakeerathan and G. Mikunthan (2022) IN-VITRO INVESTIGATION ON EFFICACY OF SELECTED MEDICINAL PLANT EXTRACTS ON RICE BLAST FUNGUS Magnaporthe grisea. Proceedings of the 5th National Symposium on Agriculture (5th NSA 2022), Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University Sri Lanka, 1(1), 53.
- G Geethangini, T., Pakeerathan, K. and Mikunthan (2022) Antifungal activities of selected medicinal plants against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing Onion Leaf Twister Disease (OLTD), 3rd International Research Conference on Siddha Conference (3rd IRCSM-2022), 1(1), 51.
Bramiyah, V., Nirosha. A., Pakeerathan,K. and Mikunthan,G. (2021). Early induction of fruiting body in oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus using plant. 7th International Conference of Pakistan Phytopathological Society November 21-23, 2021, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad,1(1), pp4.
Bramiyah, V., Nirosha. A., Pakeerathan,K. and Mikunthan,G. (2021). Initiation Trigger on Pin Head of Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus by Plant Extracts and Blue Light. 7th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2021) 1 (1), 73.
M. Vithusha, A. Nirosha, K. Pakeerathan and G. Mikunthan (2021). Biological Control of Soft Rot caused by Pectobacterium caratovorum using Lactic acid Bacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Botanicals. 7th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2021) 1 (1), 85.
K. Pakeerathan, A. Nirosha and T.V.R.C. Perera (2021) SCREENING OF POTENTIAL PLANT EXTRACTS TO CONTROL COMMON LAB CONTAMINANT Trichoderma spp. 5th International Conference on Climate Change 2021 (ICCC 2021), pp29.
- Majura, Y. Pakeerathan, K. Mikunthan, G. 2020. In-vitro investigation on efficacy of natural plant extract to manage rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea in organic rice cultivation. Proceeding of the 9 th Annual Conference and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lankan Society For Microbiology, (8): 11.
Perera, M.G.G. Nirosha, A. and Pakeerathan, K. 2020. Oyster mushroom production using agro-based industry’s by-products. 1st National Symposium on Agro-Technology and Rural sciences 2020 held on 15th December 2020, University of Colombo Institute for Agro- Technology and Rural Sciences(UCIARS), Hambantota. Pp.5.
De Silva, G. H. S. N., Pakeerathan, K. and W. M. R. W. B. Wijekoon. (2020). Identification of the causal organism of wilt disease in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in nursery stage and its management. 1st National Symposium on Agro-Technology and Rural sciences 2020 held on 15th December 2020, University of Colombo Institute for Agro- Technology and Rural Sciences(UCIARS), Hambantota. Pp.11.
Ovini IR, Pakeerathan, K, Pushpanji K and Mikunthan, G (2019) Effect of secondary metabolites of selected fungal pathogens on a common weed, Parthenium hysterophorous L., 8th Annual Conference and Scientific Sessions of Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology (SSM), 7(1),16.
Perinpathevan Kayamugan, Subajini Mahilrajan and Kandiah Pakeerathan (2019) Microbiological Quality of Ice creams Marketed in Jaffna, 8th Annual Conference and Scientific Sessions of Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology (SSM), 7(1),36.
Varnika. K, Pakeerathan. K, Thanusha, S, Mikunthan. G (2019) Potential of Selected Bio-Rationals and Locally Available Materials for the Eco-Friendly Management of Parthenium Hysterophorous L. International Conference on Agriculture and Food Security (AGROFOOD 2019), 1(1), 6.
- Niveka, S., Pakeerathan, K and Mikunthan, G. (2017) Field survey of Papaya Anthracnose in selected markets and In-Vitro assessment of Bio Rationales against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2017) 1 (1), 94.
Kishojini, P., Pakeerathan, K and Mikunthan, G. (2017) Parthenium Based Composting: An Approach to Minimize the Existing Weed Population in Northern Province of Sri Lanka, 3rd International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2017) 1 (1), 101.
- P Kandiah, HS Bariana, UK Bansal (2015) Characterization of a stripe rust resistance gene in wheat landrace AUS 27969 from the Watkins collection. BGRI Technical workshop 1(1):1-23, Borlaug Global Rust Initiative · (globalrust.org)
Vigitha, N., Pakeerathan, K. and Mikunthan, G. 2014 In vitro screening of Trichoderma species against (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae) and (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) on red onion in Jaffna, 1st Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference RISTCON 2014, 104.
Piragalathan, A., Pakeerathan, K. and Mikunthan, G. 2014 Efficacy of different bio-rationals against Papaya mealybug Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), 1st Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference RISTCON 2014, 97.
- Keerthika, K., Pakeerathan, K. and Mikunthan, G. 2014 Present status of pesticides usage and level of awareness among farmers in Jaffna peninsula, 1st Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference RISTCON 2014, 86.
Thiruchchelvan, N., Pakeerathan, K., Thirukkumaran, G. and Mikunthan, G. 2013. Emerging of pests: key threat to plant bio-diversity in Northern Sri Lanka, National Symposium on the Biodiversity of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka, Sewalanka foundation, 7-8.
Thiruchchelvan, N., Pakeerathan, K., Thirukkumaran, G. and Mikunthan,G. Evaluation of fungicides against Banana Stem Rot fungus, Marasmiellus sp. Under in Vitro condition, proceedings of the Abstracts of Jaffna University International Research conference (JUICE), 2012.
A.N.P.E.Dayananda, K.Pakeeratharan and R.Viharnaa (2021) The effect of different concentration of vermin tea on morphophysiological characteristics of Amaranthus viridis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Life Science: Contemporary approaches in Biological Science for Food, Health, Nutrition Security and Conservation of Biodiversity, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, India, pp64-65.E. Vinobia, N. Thiruchchelvan, K. Pakeerathan and G. Mikunthan (2021) SCREENING OF PLANT EXTRACTS AND OILS AGAINST SOFT ROT BACTERIUM, Pectobacterium carotovorum. Proceedings of the 4th National Symposium on Agriculture (NSA 2021), Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University Sri Lanka.
B. U. N. S. Amarasena, K. Pakeerathan and B. Charitha (2021). EFFICACY OF BOTANICAL EXTRACT AGAINST THE PAPAYA MEALYBUG (Paracoccus marginatus) (Williams & Granara de Willink, 1992). 2nd National Symposium on Agro-Technology and Rural sciences 2021 held on 28th June 2021, University of Colombo Institute for Agro- Technology and Rural Sciences(UCIARS), Hambantota. Pp.25.
Sugandhika, M.G.G., Pakeerathan, K. and Fernando, W.M.K. (2020). Efficacy of seaweed extract on Chilli leaf curl virus. 1st National Symposium on Agro-Technology and Rural sciences 2020 held on 15th December 2020, University of Colombo Institute for Agro- Technology and Rural Sciences(UCIARS), Hambantota. Pp.2.
Kandiah Pakeerathan, Harbans Bariana, Urmil Bansal
(2019) Molecular Characterisation of Adult Plant Leaf Rust Resistance in Wheat Genotype C14.16, International Conference on Agriculture and Food Security (AGROFOOD 2019), 1(1), 7.Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. and Thirukkumaran, G. Preliminary Study on the Influence of Palmyrah Distillary Spent Wash on Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita, Infestation and Growth of Tomato, 20th Annual sessions of Jaffna Science Association,1,2013.
Pakeerathan, K., Bariana, HS and Bansal, UK (2018) Molecular mapping of leaf rust resistance in C14.16/Aus91433 RIL population, 2nd International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, 1 (1), 81.
Pakeerathan, K., Bariana, HS and Bansal, UK (2017) Measuring effectiveness of leaf rust resistance QTL using in-planta fungal quantity by chitin assay in a Aus27506/Aus27229 RIL population, 3rd International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2017) 1 (1), 81.
- Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. Susceptibility of tomato cultivars to root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) in Jaffna district,17th Annual Session of Jaffna Science Association,1,2010.
Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. and Tharshani, N., Evaluation of Tomato based Intercropping System against Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita in Jaffna, 16th Annual Session of Jaffna Science Association,1,2009.
Magazines/ Newsletters
Pakeerathan, K., (2021) Healthy horticulture for wealthy life-A Sri Lankan Scenario, LEISA India Magazine 23(3):6-10 [https://leisaindia.org/healthy-horticulture-for-wealthy-life-a-sri-lankan scenario/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=healthy-horticulture-for-wealthy-life-a-sri-lankan-scenario]
Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. (2021) Nurturing nature using nature’s gift- A Sri Lankan Scenario, LEISA India Magazine 23(1):6 [https://leisaindia.org/nurturing-nature-using-natures-gift-a-sri-lankan-scenario/]
Pakeerathan, K. (2021) Image Processing an Emerging Technique for Early Detection of Pest and Diseases, Agriculture Observer 2(2):1-6 [https://www.agricultureobserver.com/archivenext.aspx?id=15]
Pakeerathan, K. (2019) First report of the Mexican leaf-feeding beetle Zygogramma bicolorata on Parthenium hysterophorus in Sri Lanka, IOBC Newsletter 1(106):13-18 [https://mailchi.mp/77e9cc98f713/vmdbfi7893#Parthenium1]
Kishojini, P., Pakeerathan, K., Mikunthan, G. (2017) Integrated approaches to manage the invasive alien weed Parthenium in Nothern Sri Lanka, IOBC Newsletter 1(101):5-7 [https://www.iobc-global.org/download/IOBC-Global_Newsletter_101_2017.pdf]
கந்தையா பகீரதன் (2019/2020) குறைந்த முதலீட்டில் வருமானம் தரும் காளான் வளர்ப்பு , பிரயோக விஞ்ஞானச் சுடர் 12(1):1-11
கந்தையா பகீரதன் (2019) ஆரோக்கியமான வாழ்வுக்கு சுகாதாரமான உணவைப்பெற சேதன விவசாயம்செய்வோம், பிரயோக விஞ்ஞானச் சுடர் 12(1):6-24
கந்தையா பகீரதன் (2013) அதிகரித்துவரும் பீடைநாசினிப்பாவனை
மனிதனுக்கு ஏற்படுத்தும் தாக்கங்கள், பிரயோக விஞ்ஞானச் சுடர் 6(1):1-5
கந்தையா பகீரதன் (2020) பாலைவனத்து வெட்டுக்கிளிகள் இலங்கையில் உண்டா? (2020.06.07): காலைக் கதிர் பத்திரிகை
Scholarship/ Fellowship
- International Postgraduate Research Scholarship – 2014-2017
- Australian Postgraduate Award – 2014-2017
Mahapola scholarship 2004-2008
- Medals
- Research Awards
Merit Presentation Award
- 8th YSF Symposium- Jan 30th 2019
Best Poster Award
- 1st Ruhunu International Science and Technology Conference – Jan 22nd &23nd 2014
- Travel Awards
- Other Awards
Resource person
- Ensuring Household-level food security and solutions for the current agriculture-related crisis (16th June 2022): Scaling Up Nutrition People’s Forum
- C.E.(A/L) Agriculture Online Teacher Training Programme 01/08/2022: Ministry of Education
- Academic and Personal Counselling: Induction Program to Probationary Lecturers-SDC-UOJ: June 03rd 2022
- Mushroom production workshop For Farmers (15 February 2022): AHEAD
- Vermitechnology workshop For Farmers (14 February 2022): AHEAD
- Awareness Workshop on Gender Equity and Equality (GEE) to Library staff of University of Jaffna: March 10th 2021
- Academic and Personal Counselling: Induction Program to Probationary Lecturers-SDC-UOJ: Feb 27th 2021
- Lead speaker Soil-borne disease diagnosis and management: recent advances and future directions” at the 66th Annual Conference on Soilborne Plant Pathogens and the 51 st California Nematology Workshop Tuesday March 23 – Wednesday March 24, 2021-Washington State University
- Lead speaker on the topic “Diagnosis of Soil-borne pathogens: Recent Advance and future directions” in the International Conference on Advances in Agricultural and Food Sciences organized during 16-20 January, 2021 by the School of Agricultural Sciences, Sharda, University, Greater Noida, India
- Webinnar on “Will the application of cutting-edge technology in crop improvement go away the pesticides?” by JSA held on Sep 8th 2021
- Workshop on compost making organized by Nestle PLC July 7th 2021
- Lead talk on “Crop improvement and plant protection in the genomics era: Recent advances & future directions” in an online International webinar on “ OMICS in Crop improvement” organized by Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, India 21st of August 2020
- Workshop on Preventing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV): CGEE and SDC, Nov 13th &14th 2019, Target group: Academic and Non-Academic staff UOJ
- Mainstreaming Gender in University of Jaffna: Feb 27th &28th 2019: Target group: Administrative staff UOJ (Academic and Non-Academic)
- Prevention of SGBV in Higher Education Institutions: June 17th 2019: Target group: Undergraduate Students, FOA, UOJ
- Academic and Personal Counselling: Induction Program to Probationary Lecturers-SDC-UOJ: July 27th 2019
- Plant protection workshop to Agriculture Teachers Jaffna Zone- April 2019