Mr. S. Anand Kumar
BASc in Animal Science (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka) Lecturer
- +94
- anand@univ.jfn.ac.lk
- Website
Academic Profile
Admin Positions
Outreach Activities
Academic Profile
- PhD in Science (Reading) (The University of Melbourne, Australia) 2024 – To present
- MSc in Animal Science and Biotechnology (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea) 2022-2024
- BASc in Animal Science (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka) 2011-2015
Academic positions held
- Lecturer: 2018 – To date
- Temporary Lecturer: 2016 – 2018 (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka)
- Temporary Demonstrator: 2016 – 2016 (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka)
Research Interests
- Functional dairy foods
- Food irradiation
- Food preservation
- Gut microbiota
- Meat quality and safety
- Novel food products development
Admin Positions
Faculty Level
- Activity coordinator ELTA-ELSE- Faculty development project under AHEAD operation, Faculty of Agriculture June 2019 – February 2022
- Joint secretary of the seventh International Conference of Dry zone Agriculture (ICDA 2021)
Regional/ National Level
- Co-controlling examiner for Advanced Level 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 Bio systems Technology Practical exam
Resource person
- 100-hour Short course on “Selected Topics of Agriculture and Bio System Technology” Organized by CODL of Uva wellassa University with the collaboration of Uva provincial Department of education
- “Bio System Technology for Higher secondary students in Uva Province organized by Uva Agriculture Development Forum 2016 of Uva Wellassa University with the collaboration of Provincial Department of Education –Uva
Undergraduate Teaching
- ANS 21021 Forage Production and Conservation
- ANS 32012 Animal Products Processing Technology
- ANS 31013 Management of Non-Ruminants
- ANSS 41012 Dairy Production and Technology
- ANSS 41022 Meat Production and Technology
Undergraduate Supervision
- Arun (AG 1284) – Effect of Chitosan Coating Incorporated with Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) Leaf Extract on the Quality of Refrigerated Fresh Chicken Breast Meat.
- Sansiya (AG 1349) – Development and Evaluation of Locally Available Cactus Syrup-Enhanced Drinking Yogurt (Opuntia lindheimeri).
- J. Luxshan (AG 1392) – Effect of Yam (Dioscorea alata L.) on Fat Reduction, Physicochemical Properties, and Nutritional Enhancement in Emulsion-Type Chicken Sausages.
Research Grants Received
- Co-investigator for the project entitled as “Development of Functional Drinking Yoghurt Incorporated with locally available Bael fruit (Aegle marmelos)”, Grant no: FAG/ANS/URG/2019/SEIT/04. Obtained via University Research Grants, 2019. University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Principal investigator for the project entitled as “Functional Drinking Yoghurt”, Grant no: AHEAD/RA3/UBL/JFN/OVAA/17. Obtained via AHEAD project and supported by University Business Linkages (UBL), University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Full Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Park, D., Lee, H.J., Sethukali, A.K., Yim, D. G., Park, S., and Jo, C. Effects of temperature on the microbial growth and quality of unsealed dry pet food during storage. Food Science of Animal Resources, 2024. https://doi.org/10.5851/kosfa.2024.e51
- Ranasinghe, M.K., Sethukali, A.K., Wickramasuriya, S.S., Jo, C., and Jayasena, D.D. An overview of carcass and meat quality traits of indigenous chickens from South and East Asia. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 1-23, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/00439339.2024.2315428.
- Lee, D., Kim, H.J., Lee, S., Choi, M., Sethukali, A.K., and Jo, C. The combined effect of vacuum-skin packaging and oxygen absorbers on the color stability and physicochemical properties of wet-aged Chikso beef. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 43, 2024, 101275. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpsl.2024.101275.
- Sethukali, A.K., Kim, H.J., Jayasena, D.D. and Jo, C. On-farm and processing factors affecting rabbit carcass and meat quality attributes. Food Science of Animal Resources, 43(2), 2023, 197. https://doi.org/10.5851%2Fkosfa.2023.e5.
- Lee, H.J., Lee, H.J., Ismail, A., Sethukali, A.K., Park, D., Baek, K.H. and Jo, C. Effect of plasma-activated organic acids on different chicken cuts inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium and Campylobacter jejuni and their antioxidant activity. Poultry Science, 102(12), 2023, 103126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2023.103126.
- Lee, H.J., Heo, Y., Kim, H.J., Baek, K.H., Yim, D.G., Sethukali, A.K., Park, D. and Jo, C. Bactericidal effect of combination of atmospheric pressure plasma and nisin on meat products inoculated with Escherichia coli O157: H7. Food Science of Animal Resources, 43(3), 2023, 402. https://doi.org/10.5851%2Fkosfa.2022.e73.
- Kim, H.J., Lee, S., Sethukali, A.K., Jung, H.Y., Kim, H.P. Gil, J., Sun, C.W. and Jo, C. “Whether Yellow Carcass Fat Affect to Meat Quality Bad?: the Comparison of Meat Quality from Cattle having Yellow and White Carcass Fat”, Meat and Muscle Biology, 2023. https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.16878.
- Sethukali, A.K., and Jayasena, D.D. Fatty acid profiles of Venus Clam (Marcia opima) and Blood Cockles (Anadara granosa) harvested at different geographical locations in the Northwest Coast of Sri Lanka. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 31(4), 2022, 311-320. https://doi.org/10.1080/10498850.2022.2048155.
- Iromi, T., Shan Randima, N., Sethukali, A.K, Maleeka Nadeemale, N., Amila, A., Jung, M.H. and Dinesh Darshaka, J. Comparison of meat quality traits of scalded and non-scalded broiler breast meat. Animal Industry and Technology, 8(2), 2021, 87-94. https://doi.org/10.5187/ait.2021.8.2.87.
- Sethukali, A.K, Thushari, G.G.N., Jayasena, D.D. Comparative analysis of morphological characteristics in clam (Marcia opima) in Mannar coastal belt, Sri Lanka. International journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. 6(3), 2018, 392-399.
- Sethukali, A.K, and Weerasooriyagedara, M. S. A review on heavy metals accumulation in coastal bivalves used in seafood industry: guide to safely consumption of seafood. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 8(1), 2018, 278-281.
Extended Abstracts
- Lee D., Kim H.J., Lee S., Sethukali A.K., Choi M., Ismail A., Jo C. Combination of vacuum-skin packaging and oxygen absorber for the enhancement of color stability in wet-aged beef. 69th International Conference of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), Padova, Italy. 116-117, August 20-25, 2023.
- Ismail A., Kim H.J., Lee H.J., Sethukali A.K., Park D. Jo C. Effect of plasma-activated gallic-lactic acid on the biological and physicochemical traits of chicken during storage. 69th International Conference of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), Padova, Italy. 480-481, August 20-25, 2023.
- Ramanathan, S., K.M.N.T.K. Bandara, Sethukali A.K., Thiruchchenthuran, S. Jayasena, D.D., Piratheepan, S. Changes in proximate composition and sensory attributes of chicken patties incorporated with green banana (Musa acuminata) pulp and peel flour over the refrigerated storage. 1sr Conference on Technological Advances and Innovations (TechInn 2022) Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna. Sri Lanka. October 21, 2022.
- Disanth, E., Sethukali A.K., Susruthan, V. and Piratheepan, S. Effect of incorporation of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) on proximate composition, sensory and microbiological properties and shelf life of drinking yoghurt over refrigerated storage. 4th International Conference of Agricultural Sciences (AgInsight 2022), Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. 259-261, January 26-27, 2022
Abstracts Presented at Conferences
- Sethukali A.K., Lee, H.J., Park, D., Kim, H.J., Yim, D.G., Lee, H.J., and Jo. C. Effect of electron beam and X-ray irradiation on bacterial pathogens and physicochemical properties in semi-moist pet foods, the 55th International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA 2023). May 19, 2023.
- Sethukali A.K., Sivatharshan, S., Thiruchchenthuran, S., Piratheepan, S., Jayasena, D.D., and Jo. C. Incorporation of Bael fruit (Aegle marmelos) syrup on the microbiological and physicochemical properties for a development of a functional drinking yoghurt, the 55th International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA 2023). May 19, 2023.
- Lee, H.J., Sethukali, A.K., Park, D., Yim, D.Y., and Jo. C. Synergistic effects of plasma and organic acids on safety and quality of pork loin, the 55th International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA 2023). May 19, 2023.
- Park, D., Sethukali, A.K., Lee, H.J., Yim, D.Y., Lee, H.J., and Jo, C. Effects of storage conditions on the microbial growth and quality of dry pet foods” at the 55th International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA 2023). May 19, 2023.
- Jung, D.Y., Ismail, A., Sethukali A.K., Lee, H.J., and Jo. C. Influence of plasma on the characteristics of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) powder-based emulsion gel, the 55th International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA 2023). May 19, 2023.
- Lee, S., Kim, H.J., Sethukali, A.K., Jung, H.Y., Kim, H.P., and Cheorun Jo. Comparison of meat quality of Hanwoo beef between white and yellow carcass fat appearance, the 55th International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA 2023). May 19, 2023.
- Lee, D., Lee, S., Choi, M., Ismail, A., Sethukali, A.K., Kim, H.J., and Jo. C. Changes in bioactive compounds and bioactivities of Chikso rump and loin cuts during wet aging, the 55th International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA 2023). May 19, 2023.
- Lee, H.J., Yim, D.Y., Kim, H.J., Sethukali A.K., Lee, S., and Jo, C. Bactericidal effect on pork loin by treatment of plasma-activated acetic acid. The 19th AAAP (Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production) Animal Science Congress 2022. August 23-26, 2022.
- Lee, H.J., Yim, D.Y., Kim, H.J., Sethukali A.K., Lee, S., and Jo, C. Antibacterial effects of plasma-activated organic acid on Salmonella Typhimurium inoculated in pork loin. 54th KoSFA International Symposium, organized by Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA). May 19-21, 2022.
- Dishanth, E., Sethukali A.K., Susruthan, V., S., Piratheepan, S., and Jayasena, D.D. Effect of incorporation of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) flour concentrate on proximate composition, sensory and microbial properties of functional butter. 7th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. December 3-4, 2021
- Thanusan, S., Sethukali A.K., S., Piratheepan, S., and Jayasena, D.D. 2021. Development of Lucuma (Pouteria campechiana (Kunth) Baehni) syrup enriched ice cream. 7th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, University of Jaffna. December 3-4, 2021
- G.N. Jayarathna, I.P.A.U.N.K. Illippangama, Sethukali A.K., D.C. Mudannayake and D.D. Jayasena. Effect of Inulin as a Fat Replacer on Quality Traits of Chicken Sausages (2019). Proceeding of the International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University (IRCUWU), Sri Lanka.
- Jeyaamuthan, S., Sethukali A.K., Thushari, G.G.N., and Jayasena, D.D. Comparative analysis of physicochemical and sensory attributes of mature and immature tumid venus clam (Gafrarium tumidum) in different locations of Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University (IRSUWU-2018). February 1-3, 2018.
- Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S., Gunawardana, K.G.U.I.P., Priyadarshana, S.P.M., Sethukali A.K., Silva, C., Nambapana, N.M.N. and Jayasena, D.D. Comparison of two different commercially available vitamin mineral premixes in broiler diets on growth performance and meat quality of broiler chicken. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University (IRSUWU-2018), Sri Lanka. February 1-3, 2018.
- G.U.I.P. Gunawardana, W.M.S.S. Weerasinghe, S.P.M. Priyadarshana, A.K. Sethukali, P.G.J.C. De Silva, N.M.N. Nambapana, D.K.D.D. Jayasena. Effect of different levels of a commercially available acidifier on growth performance, Meat quality and, Escherichia coli Count in the lleum of Broiler Chicken. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University (IRSUWU-2018), Sri Lanka. February 1-3, 2018.
- P.M. Priyadarshana, W.M.S.S. Weerasinghe, K.G.U.I.P. Gunawardana, S.P. Macelline, A.K. Sethukali, Li Ang, N.M.N. Nambapana, D.KD.D. Jayasena Effects of Different Levels of Dietary Vitamin Premix (ENHALOR) in Diets on Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Broiler Chicken. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University (IRSUWU-2018), Sri Lanka. February 1-3, 2018.
- Chandima M.H.M.S., Sethukali A.K., Sinniah and Jayasena D.K.D.D. Comparison of meat quality parameters between local goats and Jamunapari goats reared under semi-intensive management system (2018). Proceeding of the 4th International Research Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Karthika, S., Awanthika, H.K.T, Sethukali A.K., Tharangani, R.M.H., Jayasena, D.D, Ang, L., Geerthana, A., Macelline, W.H.D.S.P. Effect of Aspergillus extracted phytase enzyme incorporated diets on growth performance, meat quality and phosphorous utilization in broilers. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University. January 19-20, 2017.
- Illippangama, I.P.A.U.N.K., Awanthika, H.K.T, Sethukali A.K., Tharangani, R.M.H., Jayasena, D.D, Macelline, W.H.D.S.P., Kasagala, K.H.D.T., Palliyeguru, M.W.C.D. Comparison of growth performances, meat quality traits and necrotic enteritis exposure in broiler chickens fed probiotics compared to antibiotic as growth promoters. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka. January 19-20, 2017.
- Priyadarshani, W.D.S., Liyanage, N.P.P., Jayasena, D.D., Sethukali A.K., Awanthika, H.K.T, A study on Variances in Sensory Properties and Meat Qualities of Oreochromis niloticus (L) with their sex, size and inhabiting reservoir. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka. January 19-20, 2017.
- Thushya, Sethukali A.K, M.K. Ranasinghe, H.K.T. Awanthika, Dinesh D. Jayasena. Study on Sensory Attributes of Value Added Ready to Serve Canned Chicken Soup. International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka. January 19-20, 2017.
- Sethukali A.K., Athapaththu A. M. M. H.* Gunathilaka P. A. D. H. N. and Rodrigo W. W. P. Optimization of Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) based method for the detection of the Dengue Virus and identification of dengue virus serotypes using serotype specific Polymerase Chain Reaction. 72nd Annual session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Sri Lanka. December 5-9, 2016.
- Sethukali A.K., Gunathilaka P. A. D. H. N., Rodrigo W. W. P, Athapaththu A. M. M. H.* Optimization of a Ribonucleic acid (RNA) extraction protocol for viruses in clinical samples for disease diagnosis. Proceeding of the 6th Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka. January 28-29, 2016.
- Sethukali A.K., Athapaththu A. M. M. H.* Gunathilaka P. A. D. H. N., Rodrigo W. W. P. and Bulumulla P. B. A. I. K. Optimization of Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction based method for the detection of the Dengue Virus. Proceeding of the 2nd Biennial Research Symposium, Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), Sri Lanka. 2015.
Scholarship/ Fellowship
- Melbourne Research Scholarship, awarded by the University of Melbourne, Australia, to pursue PhD in Science (September 2024 – March 2028)
- Rowden White Scholarship, awarded by the University of Melbourne, Australia, for academic achievement in the last completed degree and research potential in the field of Science (2024)
- Graduate Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (GSFS), awarded by Seoul National University, South Korea, to pursue master’s degree programme (March 2022 – February 2024)
- Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship, awarded by Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund, Sri Lanka, to pursue my Bachelor’s degree programme (October 2011 – October 2015)
- Vice-Chancellor’s Award for the Best Performance in Bachelor of Animal Science Degree Programme General convocation 2015, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka.
Research Awards
- Excellence Oral Presentation Award at the International Conference of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources (KoSFA, 2023), at Gwangju, Korea.
- Best Young Scientist National Award for the outstanding excellence and remarkable achievements in the field of teaching, research and publications 2018, organized by IRDP Group of Journals, India
Outreach Activities